the time has come
the time has come
the time has come the walrus said to speak of many things.

What Does A Walrus and A Carpenter Have To Do With It?

Growing up, I remember my mother sometimes saying, “The Time Has Come the Walrus said….”, which was a story about a Walrus and A Carpenter. I always thought it was an interesting saying, but didn’t think much about it, until recently.

My mother has been gone now for sometime, but her saying, “The Time Has Come…” began to surface in my mind, and I actually wanted to find out what it was about. Google has become my best friend for asking questions, like so many of us. So, I typed in, “The Time Has Come….”.

Here is what I found on: Poemhunter.com

the time has come the walrus said to speak of many things.

Thinking Differently Brings New Perspective To Old Information.

Our new Awareness, can add many emotions to our thought processes. Sometimes, you become aware of experiences in your background, that others were trying to impart, but you did not recognize as a warning.

There seems to be a message that we should consider in this poem. Our shifting into recognition of what has been happening around us, without our even realizing the danger, makes this piece of poetry very relevant today.

the time has come, freedom, our rights, make a difference, be the change, we are fee, take back our liberty

For those of us that understand that we are coming into a new sense of responsibilities through a level of awareness that we have not experienced before in our current level of existance.

We begin to understand that our lives are not random occurances, but have design. If we have the eyes to see and the heart open, we begin to see that there is a reason for us to be here on this beautiful planet at this particular time.

We all have purpose for being here in this now of time. That goes for every one of us. It is up to us to figure the rest out with love and respect for others and ourselves. Discover your mission by listening to your heart.

The only enemy we face now is FEAR.

False Evidence Appearing Real.

On May 28, 2017, I wrote the following article out of frustration.

Today is May 26, 2019, and I can honestly believe that we are seeing a New Awakening around us.

Awakening to The Truths of Our World


Many times we only see the hurt, but don’t recognize the lessons. Lessons Learned the hard way are not quickly forgotton.

Our Lives Are A Journey full of lessons.

Life is a journey filled with lessons, hardships, heartaches, joys, celebrations and special moments that will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. The road will not always be smooth; in fact, throughout our travels, we will encounter many challenges.
Some of these challenges will test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith. Along the way, we may stumble upon obstacles that will come between the paths that we are destined to take

Read more at https://motivateus.com/stories/journey.htm#ojAGZsiXfGgrWUER.99

Great Article -Very Motivational – Enjoy!

Remembering what we already know is an important part of Awareness. Awakening Is a Recognition of what we know, but have forgotten..

“The Time Has Come The Walrus Said to Speak of Many Things……..”

Thanks For Reading and Thanks For Sharing.

What is Consciousness? Interesting Discussion.
We are learning to perceive in new ways –

Wishing you much happiness. Stay well. DFosterandFriends.

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By Debbie Foster

Experienced Business Owner, recruiter, teacher, social worker and graphics designer. Awakened at 65 years old and ready to be part of changing our world for the better. It is all about Waking Up and then Finding Your Purpose in life. We all have a purpose in life, but we have been put to sleep by the societies in which we live. Find your Purpose and create your life - the way it should be.

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