Community Suggestion Box

Community Suggestion Box ?

new world of sharingGreat Idea?   A Community Suggestion Box?????


free solar energy source


Finding New Ways Of Working Together

Great Ideas come from the people that live in a community.   A community understands what it needs and working together, they can implement Great Ideas!

It is easy to see that our world is changing around us, and some days, it seems quite rapidly.  Each of us that are aware of the changes, begin to think about our little part of the world and what to do if the “What if’s”  happen.

Humans are creative people and many like to solve problems before they show up.  We see people that we call “Preppers” getting ready for these changes buying mega amounts of food, staples, ammo and whatever they need to survive.  There are people buying gold and silver, and people buying Dinars because they see changes afoot.  Our personal solutions may be different from our neighbors, because we make decisions based on our own discernment and our personal perceptions.

What about our communities?   Each of our local communities have specific needs.  Depending upon weather conditions, resources readily available, community involvement and more, the community where you “hang your hat” will have specific needs in different areas of the country.

I woke up this morning thinking how important it is for us to have knowledge of how our community would operate if any of the “what ifs” occurred.   I have been talking so much about Committees of Safety for our local areas, that the following idea came to me.

Why don’t our communities work together to create a “Community Suggestion Box” for the area?  These could be stationed at local super markets, government offices or other locations around the community where people shop and visit often.  The community could appoint those it trust to oversee the Community Suggestion Box, possibly even on a rotating basis.  New ideas from the locals could be dropped in the box to be considered by the whole for the community’s well being.  I know in my community there are many very smart individuals that can offer suggestions and ideas, but they may never have taken the initiative to find out how to promote to those that could make these “Great Ideas” possible.  Working together we can take ideas and make positive changes possible.

Socially Motivated Idea

The New Culture Of Sharing!!

It is all about finding answers together.   Solving problems together.

Community Suggestion Box:  Start one today!

Simple Idea – Big Solution!


Socially Motivated IdeaRecently, I read about a community that had decided to share books.  The community each put a stand in front of their house, where books could be taken and shared after the owner was finished reading the book.

 (I will look for the article and post here for you later……….Great idea for Sharing Ideas Together)

Thanks For Reading.

Debbie Foster.

Best of Luck Always

Never Stop Learning!

Do You Have Some Great Ideas For Your

Community Suggestion Box?

an entrepreneural spirit to think outside the box




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By Debbie Foster

Experienced Business Owner, recruiter, teacher, social worker and graphics designer. Awakened at 65 years old and ready to be part of changing our world for the better. It is all about Waking Up and then Finding Your Purpose in life. We all have a purpose in life, but we have been put to sleep by the societies in which we live. Find your Purpose and create your life - the way it should be.

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