free energy available now

Tesla - free energyFree Energy Available

Has Been For Years

Update – Be Sure To Find Out The Latest Keshe Information!


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Free Energy???  When???   Why????

When we begin to learn the history of our lovely planet, we might become shocked.   Because of the way our schools have taught us our own history, I have found that there is a lot of information that we never learned sitting in those desks for all those years.

The truth is that Free Energy has been available for many years.  Take time to watch the video below, you will learn about Nikola Tesla.  The opportunities for free energy for all of us has been controlled by those that have profited from the lack of our knowledge.


There are even more new free energy methods available today.  Imagine indigenous people that have never had lights, heat and other basic ways of living having these basic needs met and could have been met many years ago.  We are in exciting times now, new ways of living for all of us.

Today we have The Keshe Foundation, who has offered free energy for all nations of the world, including America.  We must question why these gifts have not been accepted.  Do we still face the same problems that Tesla faced in his lifetime?


Recognizing a problem is the first step to fixing a problem.  Our world is facing many problems, and we are being offered ways of correcting our problems.  When we realize that answers are available, and we continue to accept the fact that situations are getting worse with many of our problems, sitting down with ourselves and listening to the answers in our hearts may take us to a brand new conclusion about our lives.

Stay safe and watch for the changes in what is happening around us.  Solutions are available today.  Free energy for the entire planet is a great start!

Thanks for reading.


“What we now want is closer contact and better understanding between individuals and communities all over the earth, and the elimination of egoism and pride which is always prone to plunge the world into primeval barbarism and strife… Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment…”

Nikola Tesla


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By Debbie Foster

Experienced Business Owner, recruiter, teacher, social worker and graphics designer. Awakened at 65 years old and ready to be part of changing our world for the better. It is all about Waking Up and then Finding Your Purpose in life. We all have a purpose in life, but we have been put to sleep by the societies in which we live. Find your Purpose and create your life - the way it should be.

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