
Category: Humanitarian Welfare

A Humanitarian Civil Attorney Update!!

Posted By: Debbie Foster DFF Job Posting: A Humanitarian Civil Attorney For: D Foster and Friends: The American Consumers” Update!!! January 26, 2016 Well, thanks to Judge Anna, I understand…

An Entrepreneural Spirit is hard to ignore.

An entrepreneural spirit is hard to ignore. No matter how many times a person with an entrepreneural spirit accepts a “job”, dissatisfaction with the “employee/employer” paradigm creates a sense of…

Humanitarian Entrepreneur Expertise – What is Happening at the U.N.?

Humanitarian Entrepreneur Expertise is added to the U.N. as Ashish Thakkar is appointed to his new role as Chairman of the Global Entrepreneurs Council. What does this mean for the…

Free Energy Devices That Actually Work???

Are Free Energy Devices That Actually Work Available NOW? We hear much about new energy sources. If you are not familiar with The Keshe Foundation, the following video is an…

What is the “Learning By Teaching Paradigm”?

Learning By Teaching Paradigm – What Makes It So Effective? As scientist, engineers, teachers and others discover more about how to help individuals learn new approaches to solving problems, we…

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